Wes Anderson Film Characters Illustrated by Satsuma Orange

I’d come across the artwork of Munich AKA Satsuma Orange at the weekend Public Garden Consumer Trade Show (Sept 24-15) at Suntec City Conventiona Hall 403, and was first attracted by her line-up of Star Wars characters, then the Studio Ghibli family of characters snagged my heart … THEN I saw the film characters of Wes Anderson!

I only managed to walk away with a “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou” (instantaneously realising she had a mini-print set with ALL the films!), which I hope to run into her table again one day …. meanwhile, I’ve snagged a slew of images of her Wes Anderson-theme fanart illustration (on various merchandize), viewable by scrolling down, while YOU can hit up her Etsy to score them, as well check out her art on satsumaorange.squarespace.com / Facebook / Instagram @thesatsumaorange!

Day 27 // #marchmeetthemaker is Routine. Whenever I think of routines, I think of that running scene in The Darjeeling Limited. Not sure why. Haha. I think I have a routine. My morning starts at 6:30, I go to work till noon, go home(sometimes have lunch with husband), do some errands if any, then I sit to check my emails, then I start on what's needs to be done. Sometimes I draw, pack orders, go to the post office. All this until 7pm when my husband reach home. I try hard to stop working but sometimes it's hard when there's lots to do and I'll just continue until it's time to sleep. I try to change up my routine almost every day so I don't feel overwhelmed by everything and so far, it's been going along nicely. #meetthemaker #illustration #illustrator #routine #satsumaorange

A photo posted by SatsumaOrange (@thesatsumaorange) on

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