Avengers: Endgame Meme Posters

Since the release of the poster (above, and trailer) for "Avengers: Endgame", there has been a few meme parodies out there, and I'd thought to take a look at a few notable ones that has since graced the interwebs!

When actor Danai Gurira (who played "Okoye" in Black Panther and Infinity War) was left out of the first poster release, fans made the above parody poster to rectify that (Source: reddit), and an outrage online (*Which I missed entirely :p), and eventually led to Marvel subsequently adding in her character and title credit for, and re-releasing THIS poster (along with the trailer).

Captain Marvel's "GOOSE the Cat" (which the internet has since spoilt my viewing experience as indentifying it as "Flerken", the _______) stars in ALL the roles of Avengers! (Pic by @mistermorris55).

Recognise the Hong Kong actors shown here? Head to @halffullwater to read the wish list (Pic via). Donnie Yen as "Captain America" Sean Lau as "Bruce Banner" and Louis Khoo is "Tony Stark" are well decent choices, IMHO!
