Matt Reeves' "THE BATMAN" Has Found It's "Bruce Wayne"

First thing I did when I read that Robert Pattinson had been signed on to be BATMAN, was laughing out loud. All the negativity folks have been heaping unto the notion - since the topic hit the www in the middle of May 2019, all the glittery-Batman memes I have been seeing, it all mattered naught now!

I have no specific skin in the game, only remembering what everybody else might have chosen to forget from our collective murky comicbook-movie-pasts ... from my own apprehension of Robert Downey Jr. being cast as "Tony Stark", to the late Heath Ledger was announced to play "The Joker", we each have out own wwwsoapboxes to cry foul atop of... all I personally want to do is repost the above image from BossLogic (which I've since kept specifically to repost for an article such as this muahahahaha) and a couple new ones featured below :)

Pattinson now joins Micheal Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale, and Ben Affleck (essentially 1989 to 2017) as the man behind the mask, in Matt Reeves' upcoming trilogy ... just you read that right: "TRILOGY", starting with "THE BATMAN", with a premiere date set on June 25, 2021.


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