Meet THE LAMPLIGHTER of "The Boys": Season 2 TV & Comicbook History

Revealed today is Shawn R Ashmore added to the cast of "THE BOYS", as former member of The Seven: "LAMPLIGHTER"!
Folks online would be very quick to point out his role in the X-Men movies (2000-2006) as "Bobby Drake" AKA "Iceman" :)
I thought this would be a perfect time to delve into the comic book version of the character, and maybe see if there is any connection between the comics and Season 2 TV series, premiering on September 4th, 2020 ...

The TV version of the character was first revealed in a illustration of The Seven (by Darick Robertson).
In the comicbook series published by Dynamic Entertainment, "The Lamplighter" was essentially the "Green Lantern"-parody of the team (More "Alan Scott" of Justice Society of America than Justice League's "Hal, Jordon"), created by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson.

The character first appeared in Issue #19, where it was revealed that he had died and was reanimated without a fully - if at all - functioning brain. But with this single still image of actor Shawn Ashmore, his "current" situation looks to be different from his comicbook source ... unless of course this was a "flashback"?
Although his "connection" to "Mallory" might still be intact...? (see full page art featured below ... FYI" The comicbook Mallory was male, while the "Mallory" in the TV version is female).
Featured below are some gnarly images of Robertson's art (All images via &, alongside write-ups of the character's comicbook history.

COMIC BOOK HISTORY: "A former member of the Seven, the Lamplighter was turned over by the Seven to the Boys, after the murders of Mallory's granddaughters, in order to end their initial conflict. He is reanimated after his death and is hidden from view deep under the Seven's headquarters; he constantly soils himself, and the Seven take turns cleaning out his cell.
His public story states that he took a hiatus from the team, with him being broadcast on national television after his reanimation with the rest of his team. He was then kept in the storage space he now "lives" in, the Homelander having him there as an "example" to the rest of the team for what happens to those who underestimate "The Boys." He is replaced by Starlight.
In Issue #66, it is revealed in a conversation by Stillwell that the Lamplighter was found by the CIA after a search warrant was exercised on the Seven's former headquarters." (Wiki)

COMICBOOK POWERS: "Lamplighter's powers seem to mostly emanate from his torch-like device, which he can use to fly and emanate blinding light or destructive energy. He has greatly enhanced physical endurance, having survived being struck by the wing of a plane in mid-flight, although the collision's force did cave in his ribs and nearly puncture his lungs; after the incident, he required multiple medications to relieve the pain."

You didn’t think I was done with the Super Hero game did ya?! Meet LAMPLIGHTER! Former member of the 7 and a man with secrets to tell! I couldn’t be more excited to be apart of season two of “THE BOYS” which begins airing Friday sept 4Th! @TheBoysTV @PrimeVideo @therealKripke
— Shawn R Ashmore (@ShawnRAshmore) August 10, 2020
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