Official Trailer for "House of Ho" (on HBO Max)

Inspired by Crazy Rich Asians, "House of Ho" is an upcoming new "reality series" (Think "Keeping Up with the Kardashians") which documents the lives of the very wealthy, multi-generational Asian American Ho family living in Texas.

This blog you are reading now does not do "reality shows", primarily because I don't watch a whole lot of them, to be honest ... but the sheer irony of this was, I'd watched and posted about "Full Metal Jacket" earlier, and noticed the scene with the infamous "Love You Long Time" racist-dialog, when the very next clip I'd clicked on to watch afters, was THIS trailer. Y'all can chuck your racist stereotypes! And don;t let Aunt Tina tell you otherwise! LOL

"House of Ho" streams exclusively on HBO Max.


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