Based on the wildly successful Netflix show, "Joe Exotic the Tiger King" is back in a new 3.75" pocket sized action figure, ready for big cat adventures with his baby tiger by his side. Oh man the tiger cubs are adorable!

These are officially licensed blister carded toys, with TWO styles available at US$29.99 each, since launched for pre-orders exclusively on, alongside themed cereal, meat seasoning, and BBQ sauce.

The figures are scheduled for a November 6th official release. As well FYE has stated on their sales page that they will "support the end of animal cruelty and a portion of sales from our licensed Tiger King products will benefit animal rescue with direct donations to PETA."

The Tiger King action figures were created for FYE by Bigshot Toyworks ( / @bigshottoyworks) FTW~!

WHAT-IS: "A zoo owner spirals out of control amid a cast of eccentric characters in this true murder-for-hire story from the underworld of big cat breeding."

"Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness" is a 6-episoder "reality tv"/documerntary-styled programming from the U.S., with Season 1 released in 2020 on Netflix, rated "R21". I have not watched it (and neither do I have any plans to ... but if the FYE toy-releases come bundled together with CDs of Exotics' songs tho...!), and remembered seeing mentions of it incessantly on my socials timelines back in the day LOL


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