My Current #KDRAMA Watches & "KIV/Stopped" Watchlist (As of August 23.2022)

I'd wanted to expand on my tweet, if only for my own record/archives, and also to somewhat exorcise these lingering thoughts on my mind, so I can move on with my life (LOL)... and also do up a WATCHLIST, so I would not constantly click on the shows and decide not to watch them.

Also, SPOILERS AHEAD, cheers.

NOW WATCHING: As of this post, "ALCHEMY OF SOULS" has two more episodes before the series ends on Ep20 this coming weekend, and I will sorely miss it. Naksu has her powers back, and I suspect this might not be a hurried finale, as Season 2 has already been announced.

NOW WATCHING: "TODAY'S WEBTOON" features Kim Sejeong as the protagonist, having just come from the uber successful "BUSINESS PROPOSAL". I am enjoying this "workplace-drama" quite a bit, which I hope to delve more into in my Introduction Feature (hopefully published before the series ends LOL). Watch on

NOW WATCHING: "POONG, THE JOSEON PSYCHIATRIST" was a surprising add to my watchlist, thinking it would be a comedy (judged from the trailers), then found it to be much deeper and evocative than imagined, but still with that drama-styled comedy that straddles slapstick (mild) with middling humour. Watch on

SINCE STOPPED WATCHING: And while I was extolling the virtues of "EXTRAORDINARY ATTORNEY WOO" and tweeting screengrabs diligently for the starting episodes, by Ep11-12 it turned somewhat devious with schemes and putrid characters, and by Ep13 a newly developing loveline turned me off. I might talk more about this, or might not... and laugh at myself for letting a fictional kdrama affect me as such :p

SINCE STOPPED WATCHING: I marvelled at myself for actually watching "CAFE MINAMDANG" until Ep7, for trying to "give it a chance to entertain me", and choose not to know any better, even after Ep4 (I have a "4-Episodes"-rule where I determined if a show is worth following/watching, after a 4-episodes mark). The slapstick is bearable, but the main female protagonist character is not.

SINCE STOPPED WATCHING: "ADAMAS" had such prestige and a somewhat lame premise but interesting characters and names, until the overbearing and overacted Head Caretaker (or whatever her role is) and her screaming tantrum basically "told" me to FK-off, and I did.

SINCE STOPPED WATCHING: "INSIDER" held so much promise for me, until other kdramas appeared, and I've not gotten back after my 5th episode watch, realising I no longer had interest seeing the protagonist constantly getting shit on, while I have to patiently see him climb his way up the food-chain.

I my current "starved" feeling of wanting to watch KDRAMAS, I could not find my way back to watch those I've stopped, and neitber am I looking forward to any new ones, and have actully considered rewatching older series, including MASTER'S SUN and SELL YOUR HAUNTED HOUSE (both on my local cable channel), and have just rewatched and completed HOTEL DEL LUNA - no doubt one of the main reasons for turning me off the few kdramas on this list, as they could not "match up" - which I know is "unfair", but...


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