The Endless for #TheSandman S2 Coming to Netflix

A very interesting promo spot has been released for the impending Season 2 of THE SANDMAN coming too Netflix, which essentially introduces the rest of The Endless Family: Adrian Lester as "Destiny", Esmé Creed-Miles as "Delirium" and Barry Sloane as the Prodigal (whom I assume to be "Destroyer"), with all the members names with a letter "D".

Returning cast for "The Endless" from the 2022 series include Tom Sturridge as "Lord Morpheus / Dream", Kirby Howell-Baptiste ass "Death", Mason Alexander Park as "Desire", and Donna Preston as "Despair" ... am keen to see if the filmmakers will show the existence of "Delight", before she turned into "Delirium" tho...

I also realized that as much as I had posted about the series on POPCORNX, I have yet to review it... a quick version: I am disappointed at what I watched, only because I have an excessive fondness and memories of the comicbook source, and recognised too that I am unforgiving, especially for this live-action adaptation. I wouldn't review Season 1 again, but might do so for "Season 2", because it would be interesting to see what they'd do with "The Prodigal" (whom we don't actively see in the comicbooks).


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