Cannon Films Promo Reel '86

Some familiar, some absolutely not so...! Celluloid Memories are always fun, aren't they?

Announced back in 1986: "Over the Top" starring Sylvester Stallone
"La Brava" starring Dustin Hoffman (based on the novel by Elmore Leonard)
"Superman IV" starring Christopher Reeve
"Untitled John Travolta Project" starring John Travolta
"Spider-Man" directed by Joseph Zito
"Kick and Kick Back" starring Chuck Norris
"52 Pick-Up" starring Roy Scheider and Ann-Margret (directed by John Frankenheimer)
"Untitled Roman Polanski Project" directed by Roman Polanski
"Masters of the Universe" starring Dolph Lundgren
"Housekeeping" starring Diane Keaton (directed by Bill Forsyth)
"Street Smart" starring Christopher Reeve (directed by Jerry Schatzberg)
"Duet for One" starring Julie Andrews, Alan Bates, Max von Sydow (directed by Andrei Konchalovsky)
"Rumpelstiltskin" starring Amy Irving, Trevor Howard
"Number One with a Bullett" starring Robert Carradine
"Zorba - The Musical" starring Anthony Quinn
"The White Slave" starring Louis Gossett, Jr.
"Journey to the Center of the Earth" directed by Rusty Lemorande
"The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2" directed by Tobe Hooper
"American Ninja 2" starring Michael Dudikoff
"Captain America" directed by Michael Winner
"Tough Guys Don't Dance" directed by Norman Mailer
"North South" directed by Godfrey Reggio
"King Lear" directed by Jean-Luc Godard
"Citizen Joe" starring Peter Boyle
"Too Much" starring Bridgette Andersen
"Give A Girl A Break" starring David Landsberg, Lorin Dreyfuss and The Dolly Dots
"Sinbad of the Seven Seas" starring Lou Ferrigno
"It Ate Cleveland" (Creature Feature)
"River of Death" directed by J. Lee Thompson
"Ben, Bonzo and Big Bad Joe" starring Bud Spencer

(Above listing text via Trailer World)


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