Main Cast of "Phu Chu Kang" on "The Daily Ketchup"

A trio of interviewees for The Daily Ketchup online podcast has both garnered my interest and produced resurfaced memories of my past, namely as a Set Designer for broadcast television and feature films, so permit my indulgence this humble blog-post, cheer4s.

The interviewees in this case, are from "Phu Chu Kang": Gurmit Singh ("Phu Chu Kang"), Irene Ang ("Rosie Phua") and Pierre Png ("Phu Chu Beng"). Here are embeds for all three interviews, and my little memory-tripping at the end of it, cheers.

I had been involved with three projects that had Pierre Png in them, earlier in my career.

I was the Art Director for FOREVER FEVER (my very first ever local feature film I had been involved in), having first seen the actor at the Toa Payoh Oriental Emporium (Driving scene starting Mark 32.00 / of the Full Film embedded below, cheers :p), back in 1997/98!

I designed the set for FAME AWARDS 1998, for which he was placed first (Set Design featured here, cheers).

Both above projects I do not think he ever knew I existed LOL

The third project we had worked together was for MTV Asia's ROUGE (2004), where I was the Production Designer and on-set Art Director for (On-going design features for here). Back then there was interaction, but again, I am not disillusioned to feel I was recognised (all good, no worries). And all of it brought a smile to my heart :)

But one of the earliest interactions were with Gurmit Singh, in that I designed the sets for GURMIT'S WORLD (Blogged / Facebooked), when I started out at the then Television Corportation of Singapore (and before that SBC), and even did the very first incarnation of PHU CHU KANG's reno office, as part of the skits in Gurmit's World, which eventually spun-off into it's own phenomenon of local; television (which I was not involved at all in :p).

And yes, I am name-dropping the work I have been involved in (If I don't, nobody else will, innit? LOL), and honestly do not want to forget the work achieved thus far, and thank you for your indulgence.



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