"Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" Shows Teaser Footage & Debuts "Wonder Woman" Image at San Diego Comic-Con #SDCC2014

Zack Snyder came unto Warner Bros. presentation at San Diego Comic Con 2014 in Hall H on Saturday, and promptly showed off footage for "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" ("Footage shown was an armored Batman, and an angry Superman…" - tweeted @Latinoreview = footage that'll hit the www zoo, I hope!), followed by actors Ben Affleck ("Batman / Bruce Wayne"), Henry Cavill ("Superman / Clark Kent") and Gal Gadot ("Wonder Woman / Diana Prince") … where also THIS image of Wonder Woman made it's debut, and I am a happy man this dreary raining Sunday morning, in the comforts of my own abode in Singapore :)

SDCC Panel pics via Yahoo Movies / WW via Hollywood Reporter