"Swan Song" by Dua Lipa (Official Music Video from Alita: Battle Angel)

"Swan Song" by Dua Lipa from the motion picture Alita: Battle Angel, featuring some scenes from the feature film, and a "horrendous" bloody-replica of Alita in CG, looking like a articulated wooden figure used for anatomy drawing classes @.@" .. BUT, if you said that was Alita's true body form, than I have no words to add to the conversation... :p

By Gosh is Dua Gorgeous tho...!

Director : Floria Sigismondi
Exec Producer : Coleen Haynes
Producer : Coleen Haynes
DP : Philippe Le Sourd
Prod Designer: Kristen Vallow
Editor : Clark Eddy
Colorist : Stefan Sonnenfeld @Company 3
VFX : Eric Siandon @ WETA
Production Company: Maavven


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