"Ant-Man Flies Up Thanos Butt-Crack, Expands and Kills Him!" - A Avengers: Endgame Fan Theory

You know there's this "fan theory" that Ant-Man could fly right into through Thanos' butt (when he's all chilling' on his farm), then expand (*I' vote for "Giant-Man" sized), thereby killing Thanos? That'll certainly make swell "Avengers: Endgame" sequence, innit? ... Well, there no need to "imagine" anymore! Check out the GIF below, and You Are Welcomed!
And no, this is not a part of the movie actual, and killing Thanos, I feel, is just a small part of the movie ... well, they certainly be spending three bloody hours FIGHTING the purple Titan, innit? LOL
AVENGERS: ENDGAME premieres April 26th in U.S. theatres.

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