"Avenge The Fallen": Avengers Endgame Character Posters & "We Lost" Featurette

UPDATED: With the release of the 32 x character posters, Marvel unleashes a "We Lost" Featurette, which I have since added to this post. "We're in the endgame now."


A whole slew of individual character posters for AVENGERS: ENDGAME has popped up online (most notably on Twitter), mostly released by the actors playing the parts (exceptions being "Rocket Raccoon" LOL) - featuring characters in colour (unaffected by Thano's "infinity snap"), and characters in black-n-white, signalling their demise at said snap! Oh no! Shuri!!!!!!

As we await further posters to be revealed (we are still missing Spider-Man, Captain America, Bucky, Starlord, Thor etc) UPDATED: With the full 32 character posters released, some revelations have put to rest speculation on WHO made it out alive in Avengers: Infinity War, and who DID NOT - here's a relook at the latest trailer, for the 3+hours long film's premiere on U.S. screens April 26th!


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