Kevin Feige on The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) Phase One to Three

As the countdown to AVENGERS: ENDGAME continues in ernest (*prepare for 3+ hours' worth of action come April 26th), I'd appreciate a look-back to when it all started (*not literally, thanks! There are DVD/BluRays for that) - but for this series of schweet interviews with Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige (with Rotten Tomatoes), which sees share the evolution of MCU Phase One thru to Three, leading to Avengers: Infinity War (*so needless to say, THERE BE SPOILERS GALORE AHEAD!), culminating in 23 feature films about superheroes, and I am utterly excited to live thru this era, IMHO!

And maybe in another decade or so, we'll get to hear stories of MCU Phase Four...?

ABOVE VIDEO: "Ahead of the release of ‘Captain Marvel,’ Marvel Studios’ President Kevin Feige sat down with Rotten Tomatoes to talk about the dramatic conclusion to the MCU’s Phase 3. How does Captain Marvel factor into the wider Universe? How did Feige and the team chose who lived, and who got dusted, at the end of ‘Infinity War’? What could Disney+ and the Fox acquisition mean for the future of the MCU? The famously tight-lipped producer is spilling some beans. Plus, Feige details the decision to include a touching tribute to the late Stan Lee at the top of Marvel’s latest blockbuster."

MCU Phase 1

MCU Phase 2 (2013-2015)

MCU Phase 3


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