"Godzilla: King of the Monsters" - Blind Bag Review Video from Monogram International

Video unboxing of blind bagged mini figures based on the upcoming feature film "Godzilla: King of the Monsters", from Monogram International. They will be available "soon" at U.S.-based retailers Box Lunch, Hot Topic, FYE stores and others. Stay connected to their socials for more: Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / Tumblr.

As I grapple with the typos in the item names in below image, it dawns on me these are not "licensed releases" (*gasp*), but appreciate whatever SPOILERS they might reveal, including seeing "MOthra" as both an "egg" and a "pupa" before seeing the fully grown kaiju ... and the atomic-powered Godzilla (we've been seeing in trailers, anyways :p).

(Cheers for the headsup, Trinity)


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