THE YIN-YANG MASTER: DREAM OF ETERNITY - Official Netflix Trailer & Film Posters ... And Trailer for THE YIN-YANG MASTER

"Every few hundred years a powerful immortal demon awakens. The four Yin-Yang Masters come together to summon the guardians of the realm and push back the demon. When one of the Masters is murdered, the other three must find out who is responsible for his death and replace the Master in order to keep the realm safe. The Princess of the kingdom has her own plans for the demon and its power to grant eternal life. She and the head of the royal guard conspire behind the Yin-Yang Masters' backs to claim this power for their own purposes." (Poster images here via IMDb)

Based on Japanese novel "Onmyōji", "The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity (陰陽師: 晴雅集)" is a Chinese epic fantasy film directed by Guo Jingming starring Mark Chao and Deng Lun, premiering exclusively on Netflix starting February 5, 2021.

Prior to it's Netflix premiere, "The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity (陰陽師: 晴雅集)" film itself is set for a theatrical release in mainland China on December 25th (if the top poster is accurate still) ... and apparently NOT to be mistaken for yet another similarly themed feature titled "The Yin Yang Master (侍神令)" (trailer below), as directed by Li Weiran, and stars Chen Kun and Zhou Xun, which is instead stated to be "adapted from the mobile game 'Onmyoji'. It was filmed in year 2018 and slated to be released in China on the first day of Lunar New Year on 12 February 2021." (Wiki).


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