Seeing Star Wars

Listening to this 1999-released Japanese "Miko Disco" version of the Star Wars theme, suddenly reminded me of the first time I saw "A New Hope" (although "back then" it was just known plainly as "Star Wars") in a darkened projection hall in the then hostel cinema on the campus of Nanyang University (now possibly demolished in NTU venue, I never did check) and being enthralled in it's visuals. I must have been a young kid at that time, and thinking back, I might not have fully understood what I saw then, and it was not until much later when I watched Revenge of the Jedi, did I truly appreciate what I had seen before.

Decades later, The Phantom Menace managed to start to sully the sci-fi lore for me, with Revenge of the Sith, putting a certain finality to the series (I reckon seeing Darth Vader forming made the real difference), which started with one of the "original" celluloid trilogies. As different an experience as it is for different people, curiously I wonder if any of you folks reading have actually seen the very first Star Wars movie?


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