Inception Impressionability

I remember all that and nothing else. Except for an intense Leonardo DiCaprio (who was more intense in Blood Diamond) and perhaps was more impressed by the stoic-nicity of Joseph Gordon-Levitt than anyone ever gave him credit for (I was a new fan after this flick). Other existed because they were scripted for (yes, even Ellen Page), and frankly that was all I had remembered, from Inception.
Inception screws with your brains and makes you question your reasoning abilities, but leaves not a mark, beyond a memory that i was a swell movie. And that's about it really. Will there be another movie like Inception? Perhaps. Perhaps there will be pretenders to the thrown. Will Inception be the celluloid legend that many claim to be? That is a question you know my answer for. What about YOU?
A while back, at the height of Inception's release and furor, much was made about it's story parallel to Satoshi Kon's earlier released animation PAPRIKA (for which I one the DVD of, an excellent film btw). And while I stand neither for or against whomever wrote what first, the mere fact that this concept is not original in the first place, stays with me regardless of the longevity of wither films. Brain-screws have been around since the days of Twilight Zone, and multiple-universed comicbook stories with faintly veiled excuses to crossover each comicbook companies. Satoshi had it assessable via animation (somewhat), while Nolan kept it obscure enough to fcuk with your thought-spaces.
For me, I remember Paprika moreso than Inception. But perhaps tis because I have watched Paprika twice (both on DVD) and do not own Inception on DVD, and do not plan to. Frankly, there are other more films that linger still in my memory-scape, and sadly Inception - as excellent as it seemed to be then - ironically was not that memorable enough for me.
[Inception Film credits on IMDb]
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