Avengers: Age of Ultron "Concept Art" Posters Revealed at #SDCC2014

A total of 4 x poster images has been released at San Diego Comic Con 2014 thus from from MARVEL, featuring "concept art" for their upcoming "Avengers: Age of Ultron" feature film from director Joss Whedon. (Posters source: SHH)
The characters shown thus far include BLACK WIDOW, CAPTAIN AMERICA, IRON MAN, and SCARLET WITCH … and it doesn't take a genius to realize they will form a much larger image when more posters are released, IMHO!
You can see HULK's arm and QUICKSILVER's speed-streak in the Widow's image, and a partial of Thor's hammer! And we have two more yet to be shown: HAWKEYE and THE VISION! There's four "spaces" need filling, innit? *WOOT*
We'll see what will happen in the next few days/weekend leading to the end of SDCC on July 27th, and I'll update the goodies here! :)

ADDED: Hawkeye and Quicksilver (and Vision in the background!)