Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron - TV Spot 2 & Character Posters

The Avengers Assembled in the second TV Spot for Age of Ultron, with some delightful new sequences, and we hear Quicksilver "talk" was an accent too. You remember when the superheroes were standing in a circle back-to-back in the middle off downtown destroyed New York? They technically weren't "The Avengers" yet, and that was "standing-in-a-circle" and hardly an "assemblage" … but this, THIS is "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE"!

Featured below are Character Posters of the team (plus Ultron) recently released online (and now available to gawk at via IMDb).

Avengers: Age of Ultron premieres 1st May 2015 in the USA, and listed as "23rd April 2015" in Singapore? How awesome is THAT?
