My First Impressions for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL.2 (Non-Spoilers)
#GOTGvol1 was without a shred of doubt FUN, filled with a trove of discovery+rediscovery, and exceedingly entertaining … while #GOTGvol2 was surprisingly more emotional than expected, with a slightly more layered, deeper and fulfilling nuance that has made the #guardiansofthegalaxy lore richer.
You are no longer just going for a goofy fun ride and LOL-ing, but is holding back tears as a fictional creation sheds his. We are seeing our emotional investments in these characters reciprocated, IMHO. Your heart wavers as much as you laugh.
Folks who’d watched #GOTG1 would be greeted with plenty of references and nods in this sequel, which is the FUN aspect of this film … and with the 5 x post-credits, the lore of #GOTG is set to go on for some time more, beyond #guardiansofthegalaxyvol2!
#guardiansofthegalaxy2 is "heavier" than the 1st, but is nevertheless entertaining.
It would not be wholly fair to say “which is better than the other”, as I feel they are part of a story in whole … but if #guardiansofthegalaxyvol1 was a “Must Watch”, then #GOTG2 is “Recommended”.

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