New Full (Korean) Trailer for "In-Rang" ('인랑 人狼, 2018') AKA "JIN-ROH – THE WOLF BRIGADE" & BTS Videos

New full Korean trailer (no English subs / Source) for "In-Rang" -the live-action feature film adaptation of JIN-ROH: The Wolf Brigade, for which I am slowly but surely getting obsessed over (check out the extra BTS video embedded below, just to have more peeks at the film LOL).

I am really liking the dense saturated colors and visuals, as compared to the slightly muted color palette of the 1999 Japanese anime film, and appreciate some "variety" in my entertainment experience, thank you very much :)

I love it that the filmmakers have attempted to replicate the "girl in the red hood/jacket", as seen in the anime sequence (#SPOILER) featured below:


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