Honest Trailers Does "Solo: A Star Wars Story"
See a new kind of Star Wars movie where you forget what happened by the time you get home - it's Honest Trailers for Solo: A Star Wars Story
Honest Trailers Does "Solo: A Star Wars Story", and I have to say, I do not necessarily agree with them wholly here (like I did Fallen Kingdom :p) ... let me put it this way; "I did not ask for this Star Wars-themed movie but am thankful for this."

I commented to my mate Ian (who I gratefully watched together with), that THIS film felt more "(my) Star Wars" to me than the recent ones did ("Force Awakens" and "Last Jedi"), simply because, well, there are familiar to me whom has grown up loving the original trilogy ("Hope / Empire / Return").
And we're having it good, aren't we? Having it both ways - Prequels and Sequels lol ... good or bad, commercialised or expanding the lore, either way we are in for the ride that we choose to jump on or not, and I am fine either way :)
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