(Above still from "Memories of the Alhambra")
Featured here today is My Top Ten Korean (Television) Dramas Watched in 2019", with the simple caveat that I'd have needed to have watched the entire season of each show (which left a few incomplete K-dramas, some current, some older), regardless if it premiered in 2019 or before!Considerations include "Entertainment Value" (not including plot and authenticity considerations), "Emotional Resonance" (a higher consideration for myself personally), and "Visual Aesthetics" - which includes Art Direction, Cinematography, to Styling and Actors themselves.
One thing I do not necessarily count on, is "script", or more specifically; the dialog, as they are of a language I am wholly unfamiliar with, and being dependant on English subtitles might not be 100% fair, but I'll focus on "Story" instead.
Got it? Good.
The frenzied world of "Paparazzi" in the spotlight in this series, featuring the two main protagonists living under the shadow of their (shared) pasts, and of seeking redemption for themselves and from each other, while navigating thru the myriad of impossible and familiar real-celebrity-world scenarios, and of secret machinations behind the scenes, via cliched Korean conglomerates and corrupt politics. Throw in a slice of familial drama, and the subplots overwhelm the series, IMHO.
Lofty premise, and perhaps even interesting start, before the story took a sharp turn and started featuring quasi-futuristic tech, which I surmise might have been a reaction to viewers' complaint of the series glamourising paparazzi? Purely my speculation of course, and not based on anything I have read online, thanks.
The series depicts a wide palette of South Korean life, which can sometimes are visually all over the place, juxtaposition in between the homeless sleeping in underground walkways, to the lush-n-lux independent house by the lake, where the owner kayaks to relax.
Actress Han Ye-Seul (AKA "Leslie Kim") was so blindingly gorgeous, reminding me of Angelababy, that it sort of stood out way too much amongst the rest of the series.
Featuring a grand total of 32 episodes, each 35 minutes long, and with 2 episodes a day aired (on Wed + Thurs, March 6 - May 2, 2019) on SBS (Seoul Broadcasting System). I wonder if this would be considered a "workplace drama"...?
Two lawyers' paths cross and converge in a tale of revenge and love, against a crooked judge and mayor. Stars Lee Joon-Gi ("Criminal Minds", "Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo", "Scholar Who Walks the Night") as the lawyer with mafia-ties, while Seo Ye-Ji is a lawyer entwined with the crooked judge. Choi Min-Soo's turn as gangster-Mayor "An O-Joo" is both charismatic and memorable. The story had it's decent share of twists and turns, with a slice of fun and ridiculous depiction of sub-characters ("Comedy reliefs"), with the right mix of drama and emotional moments.
Aired on tvN (May 12 - July 1, 2018) for a total run of 16 episodes, this was a easy watch, featuring a somewhat decent art direction and set design, at the very least for the lawyer's office, and "salon chairs" by the balcony?! Gotta love "irrelevance" ~ LOL
A Romantic-Comedy set in Period Joseon era, but with a cheeky millennial-vibe, quite like modern day urbanites playing dress-up in period costumes, but a heap dose of marital history and traditions.
Stars Kim Min-Jae (as "Ma Hoon"), and Gong Seung-Yeon (as "Gae-Ddong") who seemed woefully miscast in this period romantic comedy, when she is too obvious a urbanite, but that's why the juxtaposition felt interesting to me, and I loved her portrayal as the confused but head-strong girl.
The colors were exceedingly in abundance, with an uneasy balance of modern day sensibilities and a period I am wholly unfamiliar with, so I'm good to go, actually :)
Clicking unto this series at the start, was out of sheer randomness, coupled with curiosity and boredom, and soon I was drawn to the ridiculousness and humour. One moment I was tearing, and the next I was smiling foolishly at the happy ending in the finale ... it had been a surpassingly fun ride for the 16 episodes. Aired on JTBC (September 16 - November 5, 2019), on Mondays and Tuesdays.
This predominantly sci-fi tale set against a deceptively contemporary "now" (which could well be a "parallel universe", but I'm exceeding my own brains lol), showcases Augmented Reality, featuring medical styled battles in modern day Alhambra, Spain, where the border between reality and gameplay is blurred. "The series centers on a company CEO and a hostel owner who get entangled in a series of mysterious incidents surrounding a new and intricate augmented reality game inspired by the stories of the Alhambra Palace." (via Wikipedia).
I am no expert in AR, nor am I familiar with video gameplay, so cannot authenticate how "realistic" everything looks, which works fine for me in terms of "enjoyment without visual prejudice" :p
When I was first introduced to the show, "augmented reality" was mentioned, and that actually turned me off. But it starred “Park Shin Hye”, and I could not say "NO" to her! But it soon turned into a gripping(ish) mystery, cleverly using the AR-game premise, which helped pushed through 16 episodes of unexpected twists and revelations. Not too deep on the "emotions", but the story entertained me. The series poster does need a whole lot more effort put into it though...
First aired on tvN (December 1, 2018 - January 20, 2019), it was subsequently aired on Netflix.
Period "Zombie"-project, set in the Joseon era, with the first season of 6 x 1 hour+ episodes aired on Netflix, and Season Two filmed and ready to devour 2020. Based on the webcomic “Burning Hell Shinui Nara” (written by Kim Eun-Hee & illustrated by Yang Kyung-Il / first published July 23, 2015 by RHK / Info Source), the tale takes a somewhat interesting new look at the zombie-phenom, under the shadow of palace political intrigue, and the shroud of mysteries unknown to the folks in the series, but zombie-tropes to viewers, which had been somewhat re-jigged, and I am liking it!
(*I've previously done a SPOILER-Fueled Review HERE).
I would never have expected a show about rival "search engine portals" to be made into a series, and be exciting too, addressing the various issues relating to www and the online-life folks live through this digital-days - including privacy, security, doxxing - all while uber-stylishly dressed and art directed, and something not very often seen these days; exceedingly "artful" framing and shots! Visually, this is one of the prettiest I've seen on screen for a while.
Lim Soo-Jung (as "Bae Ta-Mi"), and the utterly gorgeous Lee Da-Hee as "Cha Hyun" (whom I only just saw hosting for musical reality show, "Queendom"), and earnest Chang Ki-Yong (as "Park Morgan", whom I last saw as the bully to IU in "My Mister"), woven into this "workplace drama" (Not too sure if this is wholly accurate :p), is the on-off-on-off relationship between Ta-Mi and Park Morgan, who started as a one-night-stand, and subsequently swaying relentlessly between Ta-Mi's on insecurities, least of all their age difference, which to me was one of the highlights of this series, even if at times it tested my patience.
Strong characterisations, and if the English translated subtitles is anything to judge by, one of the better+clever dialogs I've also enjoyed in a while. Featured here are a couple of clips, as an example to what would be cliched-scenarios given a little twist, and even a cheeky depiction of "male-objectification" and of "what goes though a woman's mind"...
PLOT SYNOPSIS: "SKY Castle follows the lives of 4 women living in luxurious "SKY Castle" neighborhood. They try make their husbands more successful and raise their children like prince and princesses." (via asianwiki.com) - Which quite frankly is as accurate as the basic premise for this series, but within the 20 episodes (Aired on JTBC / November 23, 2018 - February 1, 2019 / Friday & Saturdays) showcased a mixed bag of "horror" (for me) and high maintenance drama, with the prerequisite "Family Drama"-twists and turns, deaths and boiling insanity!
How Scheming Rich Mothers flaunt their wealth and for future prestige - was a guilty pleasure to watch and fear. In light of the "college admission" scandals in the U.S., this series is sooooo topical! And perhaps something that has resonated in Korea, perhaps ... beyond “topicality”, there has been so much emotion, and I am nothing but a sure sucker for emotional rollercoasters and sentimentality.
Watching this, I'd personally felt an intense physiological bent to this series. And another thing I really appreciated this series for - and absolutely zero intention to offend anyone - but the series revolves primarily around "married women", and not of the "pretty young thing"-variety, and maaaaan do these ladies bring the heft and performance!
And while some might call this series preachy (*Apparently it become quasi-mandatory for education ministries to watch? I remembered reading it somewhere and cannot authenticate a link), you cannot deny a slice of society being this way, innit? Or so I suspect...
A series that focuses on Blue Collar workers and their lives, revolving around a factory making parts for vacuum cleaners, in support of a much larger brand who has chosen to abuse them in business, was one of the huge draws of this series for me, with a dedicated focus on an aspect of Korean-life that is not all "conglomerates" and "wealthy one-percent families". The life of everyday factory executives and workers, make a more convincing and evocative "connection" than that of "aspirational" one-percenters we - or rather I myself - might never taste the life of.
Starring Hyeri as the hapless "Lee Sun-Sim" - a clerk turned "CEO" (see above video of how that happened) of a company facing multiple threats and bankruptcy, and at too many a times - the happenings to each and every employee and the people they work with - can be quite draining, emotionally, even if sometimes the message can be heavy-handed.
"Miss Lee" is series about “loyalty” and “ethics”, about family and friends , persevering and dedicating to solving the problem, and moving forward ... #MissLee encapsulates these, and manages to remain crushingly heartwarming at too many a times, AND is full of spirit and inspires more than I expected,
Aired on tvN (September 25 - November 14, 2019 / Wednesday & Thursday), with a total of 16 episodes (2 pcs per week) to be had, which I duly waited impatiently for weekly!
What happens when you sign your soul to (a) devil, in return for fame, fortune and youth? And what happens when your expiry date is coming up, and you are tricked/tasked to find someone else to sign away their soul, to redeem yours?
This drama series was inspired by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's work "Faust" (18th century German play), and features a story adaptation infused with Eastern/Korean lore, which could sometimes be "confusing", but taken with a grain of fiction not allied to specific denominations, I reckon.
At one point, one of the deities remarked to another (undead) person that he was a "Buddhist", even though their concept of God's Fallen Angels and relationship with humanity moves the series forward.
And while I had been casual viewer initially - intrigued with the premise - it was not until Ep6 when the past began to unravel, was I started to get hooked, and with Ep7 taking a much deeper dive into the “past”, than I realised I will be following this series until the end. The result held a much deeper sentimentality that connected within me.
The "love" story portrayed, was not necessarily of "romantic love", very much like "My Mister".
I marvel at the songs used in this series. Its one thing when we have English subtitles for dialog, but when it comes to theme songs, I'd only have to let myself go with the flow of the music and melody, and how it affects me emotionally when the scene happens, and that is indeed a wondrous thing to behold.
Jung Kyoung-Ho (as "Ha Rib / Seo Dong-Cheon"), and Park Sung-Woong (as "Mo Tae-Kang / Ryu"). Lee Seol as ingeuine "Kim Yi-Kyung" was inspired. Her singing voice was Sondia, who also sang for "My Mister", which I adored.
This series is predicated on "music", and the life of singer-songwriters, which leads inevitably to tons of theme songs, which were the highlight, and for me personally, the "soul" of this series.
And the songs, oh man the songs, which while listening to the night before as I was typing this, made me realise how evocative they had been for me, to push tis series up on my "Top Ten"-list! Featuring a mixtape of guitar-solos, a couple of which are featured here, and perhaps more in future.
16 episodes aired on tvN (July 31 - September 19, 2019).
A gorgeous owner of a phantom hotel for the recently deceased, the 3,000 year old spirit finds love in a human MBA Harvard-Trained "Manager", and reconciles with her past.
This series held a high pedigree, enjoying airtime success and recognition, with 16 Episodes aired on tvN (July 13 - September 1, 2019 / on Saturdays and Sundays), and very, very well deserved accolades. I have nothing but good things to say about the series! They made the dead "magical", and I am IN!
Tons of fashion. Tons of laughs and tears. Visually unique and gorgeous. Breathlessly enjoyable.
Besides the story, the characters (I heart Lee Ji-Eun / IU), and art and colours of #HotelDelLuna is undeniable. And while I do not know for fact, but I’d since embraced the gaudiness of the colours, as it reminded me of paper-made items for burning, for the dead! Quite apt, no?
Written by Hong Jung-Eun, Hong Mi-Ran - also known as "The Hong Sisters" - who'd written another supernatural series I'd adore; 2013's "The Master's Sun", featuring a somewhat similar concept, of a human being able to see and interact with ghosts/spirits.
And while the supernatural theme of the show is something I personally enjoy, the "human" aspect of the story, more than satisfies my being constantly/recently drawn to emotionally draining and evocative sentimentality LOL
The themes of "longing" and "loneliness" had cast a long line into my soul and hooked me in, and I love it! More words to come, if I can finish my review, that is! But before that, let me end this with the full OST;
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Shout-out to two particular KDrama series I rewatched in 2019: "MY MISTER" (which I finished and adored in 2018), and for the third complete viewing; "THE PRODUCERS" = Both series because of IU, I will not lie. Looking pass her beauty, I truly appreciate her acting ability, grown so much from "The Producers", and absolutely crushed my heart breathless in "My Mister".
OTHER/RANDOM KDRAMA WATCHED IN 2019: Besides "Jugglers" watched in fun, there were a few random uncompleted watches, and quite a few abandoned, while there are a few as yet completed airing.
I missed the earlier episodes of "Secret Boutique", and caught the subsequent disjointed eps quite randomly on cable. I actively sought out "When The Camellia Blooms" (Because, "Gong Hyo Jin"), but stopped short of Ep9 ... thanks to cable I would enjoy episodes of "Life on Mars", and will consider searching go the complete series perhaps in 2020 ... I did managed to catch the later episodes of "Stranger" / "Secret Forest" (*If not for my caveat, might have made the Top Ten) ... I am, currently watching "V.I.P." (*but quite frankly is draining my patience, and not in a good way), while I have eagerly started on "Black Dog" (4 episodes thus far, twice a week airing, so JUST fresh at 2 weeks old)!
And while KDRAMA had been apart of my daily life for quite a few years - most noticeably after my Stroke in 2010 (heh), it was only this year, when I realised I'd watched enough to do a "Top Ten" blogpost! LOL
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