#mygeeklife: GHOST IN THE SHELL (VCD Cover)

My first "experience" with the 1995 GHOST IN THE SHELL anime, was via VHS (which meant that it was a good few years later then the movie's premiere date :p), and subsequently finding THIS VCD in a local video shop goshknowshowlongago, I still wanted to own this, primarily because of the different artwork used for the covers, even though the anime inside might be the same ... I say "might" because the VCD shown here has the seal of approval on the cover, which meant the contents had been sent to and censored (by the "Board of Film Censors", Singapore) for undesirable content, for it to be allowed to be sold to the masses - to this day (since the VCD is still sealed) - I do not know what the resultant version is!
If I had not watched the anime film in the first place, I would not have known any wiser, innit?

Singapore media censorship: "Over the years, Singapore has gradually moved away from film censorship to film classification. This means that the Board of Film Censors (BFC) now classifies content into age-appropriate ratings. ... The importing, making, distributing or exhibiting of films in Singapore is governed by the Films Act of 1981." (Wikipedia)

Based on the labels, the film retains its Japanese language, and has Chinese subtitles (No mention of "English subs"), so this has turned out to be a "unique" to me collectible (or so I convince myself :p), as I cannot read Chinese for nuts! HAH!
Thanks goodness I have been able to watch with English Subs (which I much prefer), and even English Dubs though the years (hit-n-miss, as far as I am concerned).
I do not know which particular this VCD was released tho, and the memory of WHERE I bought this, escapes me - more likely a regular heartland video store, which had this on discount, maybe?
I excavated this still-sealed VCD for GHOST IN THE SHELL not too long ago too, and remember that I have quite a HUGE collection of VCD movies from before I turned "DVD" (I never did convert to "Blu-ray" tho), not to mention my humble LD-collection, or even VHS-collection, for that matter = ALL of whom have since been rendered "obsolete", as I have zero way to "play" nor watch their contents now! But I can still enjoy the cover(s) tho, innit? AND the memories that come with them ...
BUT they remain a "essential"-part of my geeklife from before (*I Am A Hoarder* lah) ... well, most of them anyways ... because who else will buy them not? Kept as "Collectibles" (Like I am doing), held hostage in nondescript brown carton boxes, peppered around the house like "hidden treasures" to excavate, and post online here! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And a part of me feels uncomfortable contributing to the trash that is engulfing the world right now (as pedantic as this may sound) ... and so I burden my household with these ... of course if I am married with kids, things might be different, but that's a rhetorical-bridge the needn't be crossed now, so there.
MEANWHILE, I will be posting MORE nostalgia-based movie or TV-themed collection of various media that I have/own/hoard here on this blog, under the "mygeeklife"-tag (Some will mirror the #mygeeklife-blog :p), along with my ramblings of "days past"... oh, those GLORIOUS DAYS....
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