Teaser Trailer Released for TRAIN TO BUSAN Presents: PENINSULA

"PENINSULA takes place four years after the zombie outbreak in TRAIN TO BUSAN. The Korean peninsula is devastated ... Jung-seok, a soldier who previously escaped the diseased wasteland, relives the horror when assigned to a covert operation with two simple objectives: retrieve and survive. When his team unexpectedly stumbles upon survivors, their lives will depend on whether the best—or worst—of human nature prevails in the direst of circumstances." (Partial synopsis via Well Go USA Entertainment)
This newly unleashed one and a half-minuter Teaser Trailer shows folks a dystopian-world left decimated by zombies, and quite possibly a irresistible mirror to a world ravaged by a "pandemic disease" engulfing the world now... Reading the synopsis tho, immediately reminded me of 2008's "Doomsday" (starring Rhona Mitra), which then had the "Reaper Virus" wrecking have on humanity, while the "retrieve and rescue" device is reminiscent of "Escape from New York" (and repeated in "Escape from L.A.") = all of whom is fine with me, as I enjoyed all the films!

Directed by Yeon Sang-Ho ("Train to Busan", "Seoul Station", "Psychokinesis") and stars Gang Dong-Won (whom we last saw in "Illang: The Wolf Brigade") and Jung-hyun Lee ("The Battleship Island") - IMDb lists "Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula" premieres "August 2020" in Singapore. Check out the Korean trailer featured below:
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