"300 days to the end of the world" Clip from #GoodbyeEarth

"All life comes to a halt when residents receive an emergency alert about an asteroid expected to collide with Earth. Panic and concern begin to spread over the looming catastrophic event."

All 12 episodes of "Goodbye Earth" (Season 1) premiered today on Netflix, and I found myself struggling to finish Episode 1, most times depressing (situations and people), with a lingering feeling of hopelessness. All amidst a large scale "disaster movie" vibe. "Normally" I would sit thru 4 episodes until I "decide" to continue, but honestly after the first episode, I might not return until I feel otherwise bored or intrigued. Maybe after I feel the need to fill the void after Queen of Tears end this weekend.... Totally different genre, but... :p


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