Mini Epics: Ghostbusters Revealed for San Diego Comic Con 2019

WETA PRESS: "When New York turns to Spook Town and paranormal activity strikes, only a select few can save the city. Ghostbusters! Weta Workshop took care to recreate these heroes as Mini Epics, to serve all your supernatural elimination needs."

Three characters - aesthetically angularly designed ala their "MINI EPICS" line - currently available: "Peter Venkman", "Egon Spengler", and you favourite ectoplasmic entity; "Slimer"! Currently listed online here for pre-orders, each character priced at US$29.99.

Debuting at San Diego Comic Con (18-21 July 2019), these guy were apart of the "10 Worlds of Collectibles" revealed by Weta at SDCC.


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