PopcornX’s Top Ten Films To Look Forward to in 2017!
NOT in order of preference (well, at least the top 3 are!) - These are my Top Films To Look Forward to in 2017!
GoTG Vol.1 was an absolute riot and a repeat viewing here in TOYSREVIL/POPCORNX HQ, and I for one CAN.NOT.WAIT to see the crew back at it again, knowing that it will NOT be a tiring sequel (as most generic sequels are wont to be), and with what the teaser has shown us? It again will be a riot!
Mavrel’s “GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL.2” premieres in the U.S. on May 5th, 2017, and April 27th, 2017 in Singapore!
I will not lie, I am worried - nay, EXTREMELY worried - that the sequel to my utter Top 5 Fave Films of ALL TIME Eternity would not be able to do justice to the first - not that it is to surpass it, but rather not disappoint? I also acknowledge I have had high expectations of it … but I hope to trust in the director Denis Villeneuve (His “Sicario” was one of the highlights of my 2015 viewing), but nevertheless, the excitement for a sequel has not waned, since seeing Deckard and Rachel entered the elevator … perhaps it was “easier in the old days…”
“BLADE RUNNER 2049” premieres October 6th, 2017, in the USA, and October 5th in Singapore!
**MORE on my Blade Runner-dedicated fanblog @ bladerunnerwww.blogspot.sg!
I have at this point in time, gotten over whatever “whitewashing” conspiracies of the upcoming live-action GHOST IN THE SHELL, and just hoped it would rock my socks off, as the anime version did back in 1995. On the other end of the spectrum that which is an Apocalyptical-Future, is a Neon-Drenched Urban Jungle - the likes of AKIRA and BLADE RUNNER offers, and GITS will either join the pantheon of great designs, or falter like a wannabe. I pray it is the former, and look forward to it!
GHOST IN THE SHELL premieres March 31st, 2017, in the U.S.A., and March 30th in Singapore.
**MORE on my GITS-dedicated fanblog @ ghostintheshellfan.blogspot.sg!
It is without a hint of guilt I dare say I want to see how humanity f**ks it up enough for talking apes to take over! LOL
“ WAR FOR THE PLANETS OF THE APES” premieres July 14th, 2017, in the USA, and July 13th in Singapore!
The first “John Wick” was a surprise and revelation, in which a world created to encompass the existence of this former hitman/assassin, and even portray him as the “hero” (as opposed to other films of this particular genre-pool, where characters are out into a “real life scenario”, which most average joes - like myself - cannot relate to). And when “JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 2” rolls around on February 10th, 2017 in the USA, folks will yet again fist-pump the body-count of a “out-of-retirement” killer! GLORIOUS! Oh how the heroes and values of modern cinema have changed with the times ~ LOL
I remembered when the first TRANSFORMERS came out (nearly a decade back), the sheer excitement and exhilaration of seeing Optimus Prime and company on the silver screen - transforming, with their sound effects from the cartoons intact - was a pretty life changing moment for this kidult. Throw in a Megan Fox, and the formula was a winning one (you gets some points too Shia :p). Truthfully, that feeling never returned after in the myriad of Transformer-films after, with each more disappointing than the one before.
Even now, I could rewatch the first film and be totally fine with just it alone hahaha! While the rest remain story-stuffers in my Transformers Roll Out-blog hahaha
Would TRANSFORMERS: THE LAST KNIGHT be any different than the rest? Would it give me back the excitement I missed and still craved for? I do not know for sure, and cannot say for sure. but the visuals from Michael Bay is ALWAYS excitement, and I cannot wait to find out more when it is released in cinemas 23rd of June 2017 in the USA, and 22nd of June in Singapore!

(Above pic of Ken’s mask - designed by Christian Dada
- on show at Jump Festa 2017 / Pic via @tkg_movie)
It is with purely good memories of the first season of the TOKYO GHOUL anime, that the live-action adaptation in on this list. The sense of “discovery” was still fresh(er) and the viewer got to grow along with Ken, unlike season two where he joined Arogiri Tree and the disconnect became more than just man versus manga, IMHO.
And while nothing much is revealed (as yet) about the film adaptation, here’s hoping it revolves around the first season LOL
“TOKYO GHOUL” premieres Summer 2017 in Japan!
Pure entertainment and excitement is what I crave for some days, and the Fast and Furious franchise has given me that, with aplomb and tons of cheese, I cannot deny. Hey, at least they gave us Gal Gadot too! Now the family turns against their own? Their “den father”? BRING IT ON! “THE FATE OF THE FURIOUS” premieres April 14th, 2017 in the USA, April 13th in Singapore!
Truthfully, the short teaser is hardly an indication of how awesome the film might or might not be (witness the awesome disappointment of “Attack On Titan” and even “Gatchaman”, FFS), and I am grappling with whatever is left of my memories of the all-around excitement and feels of the anime series (“Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood”) - invested into this live-action adaptation … “FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST” premieres 2017.
THE FIFTH ELEMENT is one of my Top 10 Fave Sci-Fi films of all time, and Luc Besson used to be one of my fav directors (his early work, “The Big Blue”, “Nikita”, and yes, “The Fifth Element”) … coupled with a comicbook adaptation? Pure WIN all around! “VALERIAN THE CITY OF A THOUSAND PLANETS” premieres July 21st, 2017 in USA … BUT NO LISTING FOR SINGAPORE????

I truly can’t say STAR WARS VIII is up there - having not seen anything thus far, not with much fond memories of TFA, truth be told (pails in comparison to Rogue One now, actually hahaha), nor KONG: SKULL ISLAND, but maybe a bit for ALIEN COVENANT but purely becoz “Ridley Scott” the brand… Guy Ritchie’s KING ARTHUR might have made the list, but for The Last Knight (true story, I like me a few good knights in armor, I do).
The list above excludes all Superhero Films (from either Marvel or DC), as it is a GIVEN I’ll watch them either way! MARVEL is holding strong with SPIDERMAN: HOMECOMING, LOGAN, THOR: RAGNAROK, while DC Comics is doling out WONDER WOMAN, JUSTICE LEAGUE … Wow. Not a very strong list ahead tho, but maybe folks need a “break” before all-out superhero-flicks? But then again, I am sure I’m missing tons of films out! But these are on my horizon and watch-list anyways … WHAT’S YOURS? :)