Iron Giant ReAction Figures by Super7 Launched!

Since my earlier tease, Super7 has since launched+listed their licensed IRON GIANT ReAction figures on - featuring a trio of editions each priced at US$18.00 per (excluding shipping).

IRON GIANT ReAction Hoegarth 02

"The Iron Giant (with Hogarth Hughes)" to me is the most fun of the whole lot, as in addition to the 3.75" articulated Iron Giant ReAction figure, it also comes with a 1" tall Hogarth figure! If you plan to unblister to play, don't loose this kid in your hoard tho...! :p

IRON GIANT ReAction Hoegarth 01

IRON GIANT ReAction Attack 02

"Attack Giant" is not the most often we see of IRON GIANT depicted in toy-form (IMHO), for when Atomo is provoked and out pops his "Tri-Scorpion cannons, Energy Claw, Spark Spinner Gun" when his attack protocols are activated!

IRON GIANT ReAction Attack 01

Iron Giant Superman 02

"Super Iron Giant" shows how the character references and embraces direct Superman and his "S" (whom thanks to Zack Snyder's film we now know to be a "Symbol of Hope", not just the letter "S" :p). So would this now be "Iron Giant Hope"? Watching the following sequence, it just plainly means "Sacrifice"...

Iron Giant Superman 01


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