James Gunn to direct SUPERMAN: LEGACY

Since the announcement of the SUPERMAN: LEGACY, Peter Gunn has announced that he will be directing the live action feature film, as well as having written it. Featured below is his Facebook post, reproduced in full, cheers.

"Yes, I’m directing Superman: Legacy to be released on July 11, 2025. My brother Matt said, when he saw the release date, he started to cry. I asked him why. He said, “Dude, it’s Dad’s birthday.” I hadn’t realized.

It has been a long road to this point. I was offered Superman years ago - I initially said no because I didn’t have a way in that felt unique and fun and emotional that gave Superman the dignity he deserved.

Then a bit less than a year ago I saw a way in, in many ways centering around Superman’s heritage - how both his aristocratic Kryptonian parents and his Kansas farmer parents inform who he is and the choices he makes.

So I chose to finally take on writing the script. But I was hesitant to direct, despite the constant pestering by Peter Safran and others to commit (sorry, Peter).

Just because I write something doesn’t mean I feel it in my bones, visually and emotionally, enough to spend over two years directing it, especially not something of this magnitude.

But, the long and the short of it is, I love this script, and I’m incredibly excited as we begin this journey. #UpUpandAway"


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